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Calling all Swagbucks members! Starting today through April 24th you can win a bonus during the Swag Bloom Team Challenge! Earn points for your team in the categories below and help your team take home first place…
* SwagButton – 30 points
* Surveys – 25 points
* Referrals – 20 points
* Shop Clicks – 25 points
* Search – 15 points
* Swagstakes – 15 points
* Special Offers – 10 points
* Mobile Offers – 10 points
* Mobile Video – 10 points
* Swag Codes (through Mobile or SwagButton) – 5 points
All members who participate and contribute at least 100 points to their team’s total will be rewarded, regardless of what team you are on! Each member of the first place team will win 80 SB, the second place team will win 50 SB, the third place team will win 30 SB, the fourth place team will win 20 SB and the fifth place team will win 10 SB. All bonuses will be awarded by April 28th.
If you haven’t joined Swagbucks
then you can head over here
to sign up to start off with 30 Swag Bucks.