With school starting, I thought I would share some of my favorite websites and blogs I use a lot throughout our school year!
*CurrClick – This website offers a lot of free & paid classes and clubs that students of all ages and grades can utilize. Our favorite feature with CurrClick is the free clubs students can join! My son has joined the free LEGO Club and last year my daughter viewed the American Girl club (also free) a few times. She didn’t show much interest at the time because she was 5, but I think for a girl a little older it would be fun! They do have a section for Special Needs, including ADHD, Speech-Language Impairments, Autism and more. I personally have not used this section so I can’t give a review about their special needs materials but I hope it can assist others who may need it.
*Educents – This is a daily deal site offering educational materials. There are several free items offered (mostly as downloads) along with hugely discounted products. Be sure to check out the deals on Life Of Fred, Horizons, Magic School Bus, and more!
*Education.com – This website is a fantastic and FREE resource for all parents and students! You can choose from over 15,000 worksheets that you can download for your kids to help with math, science, history, and more! However, you can join PLUS for $3.99 a month. By doing this you can receive unlimited access for all members in your household. Head over here for more info on PLUS.
*The Unlikely Homeschool – One of the first homeschooling blogs I found when I was just thinking about pulling my son out of public school. Jamie’s knowledge on planning, choosing a curriculum and so much more was a huge help to this newbie! She is the main homeschooling bloggin’ momma I turn to when I’m looking to explore new curriculum choices and check out unit studies!
*Pinterest – This little internet gem is the go-to for many things in my life and homeschooling is no different! Just enter the words ‘home’ and ‘school’ and the wealth of info that appears is mind-boggling! We don’t use an all-in-one homeschool curriculum but instead, I piece together things here and there. If I need fun ideas on Colonial America (currently studying this), I type it in the search box and boom! I look like a rock star in my kid’s eyes when I make Jamestown a little more interesting to them
These are just 5 resources I use throughout our school year. There are many, many wonderful websites and really smart bloggers that share their experiences with teaching. Whether you are a homeschooling parent or your kiddos are in public/private school, these resources can help you out! Do your best to not get overwhelmed – especially if you are just starting out with homeschooling! Education is one the most important things we can give our kids!
Do you have any favorite educational websites or blogs you visit? If so, let me know…I would love to check them out!